2023 was truly a rough year. Of course we had our positives, but it seemed as though the losses, tipped the scales.

I suppose that’s where the discouragement part of my blog comes from. In February 2023 my mother passed away peacefully here at my home. She definitely was a bright spot and a grateful individual. It was such a privilege to care for her. She is greatly missed, but her sparkle still shines! So many photographs of her sitting with puppies, caressing and talking to them. She enjoyed the dogs, and I have many fond memories of her patting, heads and cuddling babies!

My father will turn 100 years old this year! And he’s been lost without my mom, in this day and age, when relationships, come and go, they had been married for 78 years! Most of us can’t even comprehend that or even grasp what that would look like.

I’m grateful for the legacy that my folks left for us and the way that they raised us. They grew up in the great depression and instilled in us tenacity, creativity and a can do spirit.

2023 was to be my last year of breeding standard poodles. My body and my health were at the point that I could no longer raise a litter of standard poodle puppies. It’s probably one of the hardest decisions I’ve ever made. There is a special type of joy when you hold a newborn in your hands. Excited for the future, what they will do and hopefully help others.

I knew it was the right decision, at the right time. everything aligned and I had two wonderful women who wanted to continue the lines that we had started here at Winters Wind.

I don’t think anyone could have foreseen what was going to transpire in the summer of 2023. The Rescue of two poodles from Texas, and not knowing where the other four were. Was a heartache like no other. To see my beautiful, healthy poodles brought to the brink of death through starvation! Unheard of and unbelievable that anyone could do that.

The rescue of itself was quite the ordeal. I had gone to Dana-Farber to look for hopefully some cancer treatments. I also was in debilitating pain from my back. Where I had bone cancer years ago.

It was there at Dana Farber that we received a call. Cindi, an amazing private investigator that I hired; found the dogs!

The dogs had been located and a rescue was going to be in progress. My husband and I left Boston and flew to Austin Texas, since time was of the essence to get the dogs and get them back up to our prairie home for restoration. It’s a very long story, but the bottom line is the dogs survived and are thriving!

The sad part of the story is, the family that was to get one of the dogs decided to blame Winters Wind for what had transpired. Though we had been close as a family, at some point, there a rose such an anger. It was like a spark, that set a forest a blaze. The tragic loss of a family and a friendship; coupled with the anguish of what happened to the dogs truly was devastating.

When faced with such a situation, how do you handle it? Until your presented such a thing; I’m not sure we really know how we’re going to handle it.

There are some options; retaliation, false accusations, Character assassination, bullying, and Misdirected anger.


There’s also another way to handle it. Silence, No rebuttal, allow the words to fall where they may, and no retaliation.

In the long run, if we look at the quickest way to put out a forest fire; deprive it of oxygen. Turn the other cheek. This is not an easy thing to do , but it is the right thing to do. I have never believed that anything good can come out of words spoken out of annger and spite.

So as a one-sided battle raged. I lost my beautiful Luna, the foundation of Winters wind to kidney failure. Than my adored. Beloved dog of my heart, Sienna went to join Luna over rainbow bridge.

Than I had to have back surgery and learned that I have severe Adhesive Arachnoiditis. There is no good prognosis for this.

A court hearing has been scheduled for the perpetrator of the abuse on the dogs. That case will be held before a judge on March 3. There is a concern that all of the Internet spewing may have hurt our court case against her. I would appreciate prayers, that this individual would get the highest penalty allowed by the law; for what she had perpetrated against the dogs. That we may find the dogs that are missing and put an end to this tragic ordeal.

2023 ended in anguish and agony. I pray that 2024 will bring us all; restoration, peace, and forgiveness.

So, as we stepped into a new year, may we, “Love your Neighbor, as you Love yourself. Love does no harm to a neighbor.”

So, as we stepped into a new year, may we count our blessings!

AuthorKaren Winters

The photo below is my Mum, 98 years ) she loves to share her thoughts on Change. How times have changed. As I sit and listen to her over dinner one night, I realize she has probably seen more change in her lifetime than I ever will. For example; phones. They had a wall, hand cranked early version, with a party line. A lot of younger folks would ask what is a party line….to them it’s a 3 way call! Haha. Or let’s talk computers! My folks have no idea how to use one. Now the old fashion strike key typewriter, then you're talking their language.

Change happens to everyone; it’s part of life. How we decide to handle change is a personal decision. In most ways, I will embrace change! I love to mix it up. Move the furniture…change. Paint a room….change. Try a new recipe…change. Now those are simple. However, ask me to change my life……hit the brakes! Change my lifestyle, now that is another story all together! I had a change moment in the ER a few weeks ago. I went to the ER because a few days earlier I woke to the right side of my face numb. When I looked in the mirror, I was surpirsed to see my face was droopy. Since my Mum was staying with me, I couldn’t get to the ER for a few days. When I arrived there, I was tabled a “stroke patient”! ‘Yikes’, I thought, ‘are they talking about me?’ Didn’t take long after they took my BP to realize…..YES….they were talking about me! Ding Ding…..small alarm went off.

After being transferred to a room. They hook you up to ekg, heart monitor and off we started the battery of tests. After a few hours of testing it was determined it wa not a stroke but rather Bell’s Palsy. Ding Ding…..another small alarm went off.

It was only 3 weeks before after many tests and a bone marrow biopsy; my oncologist delivered the news……Leukemia. I have had several bouts with cancer from stage IV sarcoma to stage IV Non Hodgkins Lymphonma. This was a blow……yet again.

It was while laying in the ER bed that I realized, Change was in the air. My life, my world was shifting. There in sterile atmosphere of the hospital the knowing began. Knowing that my life and goals needed to be adjusted. A paradigm shift, of all I had strived for and sacrificed for was about to happen. Rather like the stillness, erie calm before a tornado comes roaring towerds you. You feel it, deep inside, just before the silence is shattered with sound like that of a train. If you haven’t saught out shelter, it’s too late. That’s what I felt. I was exposed to the storm, no shelter in sight. It was than I knew. My love and passion for standard poodles was about to change. Maybe not the love or passion, more the litters.

I have been so blessed by my friends and my poodle families over the years. As I pondered this big change in my life; I realized it didn’t have to end. What I realized is I need a special person to hand over the reigns and continue the legacy that I started. I have that special person already in my life and who has my poodles!

I won’t do a big reveal yet…..I still have another year of breedings planned for 2022-2023.

I am excited to mentor help to develop another branch of the Winters Wind family. The continuum will still move forward. It’s a work in progress…..with progress comes change. Yes, the wind is pick up.

More details will follow in this blog. So keep checking this dial and stay tuned!

AuthorKaren Winters
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Today I received 2 emails from doodle owners or breeders; accusing me to be “a snobby poodle breeder’. Here was my response:

I think the difference of our philosophies is the fact that I’m trying to preserve a historical breed. I’m happy that you like your doodle that’s great. But the research I’ve done between universities: UC Davis and veterinary schools in Madison Wisconsin and Cornell University have all agreed that the mixing of the brains is not necessarily a good thing. So be happy with your dog and enjoy your dog and enjoy your life. And I will continue to do purebred dogs to conserve the breed we don’t want to lose these historical breeds. Poodles are one of the smartest breeds because they haven’t been mixed with anything else.Karen

Funny but both emails came back to me as not deliverable. If doodle folks really want o engage in a real conversation, why use a bogus address. Well I guess that make me not a snob! I suppose they did not want to hear my response.

If you choose to differ in opinions on something, then lets have a real conversation about it. Don’t accuse me of being of snob when you hide behind a fake email address.

The truth is this: a good breeder stands behind their breed. You do the health testing to be sure your puppies have good genetic make up. I also have a contract that states any puppy can come home to us. It never will be placed in a shelter. Many of my families but us in their wills; knowing their dogs will always be cared for.

Winters Wind believes in the life time of our dogs. We breed to protect a historic breed. We do not ‘Import” doodles to make money because “designer dogs” fetch more than a health tested purebred dog. Brokers are making a lot of money, fooling the public and those who do not do due diligence when adding a family member.

True, you may find a poodle in a shelter. Not one that came from a reputable breeder however. No one ever said every poodle comes from a good breeder. But we can say a lot of doodle do not.

So if you want to have a conversation on the mutt vs the purebred dog. I am open, but if you just want to spew and hide. Well I guess that says it all.

I am passionate about my breed! Don’t attempt to intimidate, with emails WITH no way to respond. Kindergarten was a long a time ago folks.

AuthorKaren Winters