Today I received 2 emails from doodle owners or breeders; accusing me to be “a snobby poodle breeder’. Here was my response:

I think the difference of our philosophies is the fact that I’m trying to preserve a historical breed. I’m happy that you like your doodle that’s great. But the research I’ve done between universities: UC Davis and veterinary schools in Madison Wisconsin and Cornell University have all agreed that the mixing of the brains is not necessarily a good thing. So be happy with your dog and enjoy your dog and enjoy your life. And I will continue to do purebred dogs to conserve the breed we don’t want to lose these historical breeds. Poodles are one of the smartest breeds because they haven’t been mixed with anything else.Karen

Funny but both emails came back to me as not deliverable. If doodle folks really want o engage in a real conversation, why use a bogus address. Well I guess that make me not a snob! I suppose they did not want to hear my response.

If you choose to differ in opinions on something, then lets have a real conversation about it. Don’t accuse me of being of snob when you hide behind a fake email address.

The truth is this: a good breeder stands behind their breed. You do the health testing to be sure your puppies have good genetic make up. I also have a contract that states any puppy can come home to us. It never will be placed in a shelter. Many of my families but us in their wills; knowing their dogs will always be cared for.

Winters Wind believes in the life time of our dogs. We breed to protect a historic breed. We do not ‘Import” doodles to make money because “designer dogs” fetch more than a health tested purebred dog. Brokers are making a lot of money, fooling the public and those who do not do due diligence when adding a family member.

True, you may find a poodle in a shelter. Not one that came from a reputable breeder however. No one ever said every poodle comes from a good breeder. But we can say a lot of doodle do not.

So if you want to have a conversation on the mutt vs the purebred dog. I am open, but if you just want to spew and hide. Well I guess that says it all.

I am passionate about my breed! Don’t attempt to intimidate, with emails WITH no way to respond. Kindergarten was a long a time ago folks.

AuthorKaren Winters